Established in 2016, the Delaware Afterschool Network (DEAN) endorses the goal that all school-age children be academically, socially, culturally, and physically healthy. DEAN and its partners work to create a long-term policy voice for afterschool programs, advocate for policies that support high-quality programs, support the afterschool workforce, increase public awareness regarding afterschool programs, build bridges between schools and community-based organizations, and support family-centered practices.
To expand and support high-quality out-of-school programs so Delaware’s children are safe, supervised, and prepared to lead productive lives.
A place where all Delaware K-12 youth have access to a high-quality learning experience before and after the school day, preparing them for academic success, tomorrow’s workforce, and to become engaged community citizens.
A driving force that develops partnerships, brings stakeholders together, and shares best practices to ensure that affordable, sustainable afterschool, out-of-school, and summer learning programs are available.
...our youth, now more than ever, need safe, local, quality educational support outside of the school day.
...our local out-of-school providers are an important part of our local economy and our local communities.
....that all are stronger together, and a network is the best way to organize them to best meet our families’ needs.

Our Fiscal Sponsor
United Way of Delaware INVESTS in the Delaware Afterschool Network.
UWDE believes that social change & outcomes matter.
UWDE believes that too many children live in poverty and too many families exist in crisis.
UWDE maximizes the community’s resources to improve the quality of life for all.
Focus Areas
Partnership & Policy
Aligning, Reinforcing, and Enriching the School Day: Create a sustainable structure of statewide partnerships to define and support afterschool and out-of-school programs and policies, focusing on high-quality school-community partnerships for all children.
Strengthening Afterschool, Out of School, and Summer Learning Programs and Afterschool Professionals: Establish a measurement framework for Delaware afterschool programs that include data-driven accountability and outcomes for positive youth development.
Helping Students Become Thriving, Productive Adults: Support the development of statewide systems that ensure high-quality afterschool, out-of-school, and summer learning programs throughout the state.